how you value your work as an artist
How do we see ourselves in the larger scheme of things in the art world? Who defines the value of ones work? what makes it marketable? A simple conversation with a friend. A fallow up to the conversation about the Pasadena Playhouse Latino Heritage event. About her husband: He is willing to set his price and walk away from a job that will not pay his worth. I THINK THAT HE IS RIGHT IN THAT HE SEES HIS VALUE AND HONORS IT, WHICH MAKES HIM BELIEVABLE, RELIABLE, AND MOSTLY MARKETABLE BECAUSE OF IT.------- I AM TRYING TO BELIEVE IN THE ME OF ALL OF IT. IT'S STILL COMING FROM THE OUTSIDE IN RATHER THAN THE INSIDE OUT. I AM TRYING TO GET THERE. A LITTLE CLOSER TODAY. THE FEEDBACK HAS BEEN GOOD. I AM LOOKING FOR THE GIFTS AND THEY ARE ALL AROUND ME. I HAVE BECOME BOGGED DOWN WITH THE STUFF THE MATT HAS BROUGHT OVER THE 13 YEARS OF HIS LIFE IN MINE. AND I AM IN THE PROCESS OF RELEASING SOME OF THAT NOW THAT THINGS ARE BETTER FOR HIM. BETTER FOR HIM MEANS BETTER FOR US AS A FAMILY. I CAN GET SOME CLARITY ABOUT WHAT IT IS WE DO INSTEAD OF MOVING THROUGH IT, JUST BECAUSE WE GET TRAPPED BY WHAT WE THINK IS IMPORTANT. ALWAYS OVERCOMPENSATING FOR MATTS DISABILITY AND THE EFFECT IT HAS ON ME AS MOTHER. His growing up and better health allows me to look at what I am doing a little more objectively rather than in the mode of I have to do this or I have to do that because it's so immediate. As I navigate through the murky waters that are Matt's life in mine, I get better at stearing through and stearing clear of the whirlpools. It is an endless emotional journey though, and I have limited use of guides and their expertise in pushing through. Yet I have learned as I go and I get better and stronger, I have more determination and trust in myself and my convictions. I believe the quality of the work is good. Now comes the packaging and marketing of me. That is the wierd part. I don't know why. I'm always surprised when others respond. ????? I know why I like the work. I don't know anything beyond that :)

I'm finally getting it. I'm finally starting to value myself and because of that I'm able to relax and just create because it feels great to see what comes out. The fact that I have to work in small spurts of time because of my Little One, makes me value my art even more. Making myself work on something everyday, even for twenty minutes, is a step forward.
Now, when it comes to the $$$, that's something I'll have to learn as I go. This is the area that caused me to stop creating because I became afraid that I might make a mistake somewhere. Today, I make what I like and I don't worry if it's marketable. I'll keep at it because I need to keep making art. It's in my spirit and I can't just stop.
You know any good reps?
Oh, and the Sculpy pieces have been "cooked". I've sanded them and I'll be painting them next. No photos yet...maybe this weekend.
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