Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The holidays are over and the kids are back at school. A new year has begun to unfold. I can start to look at what I have or haven't accomplished over the last few months. I often feel as though I am not creating, but then I turn around and look and there are all sorts of tidbits laying around. The Scarves that I have knitted for friends, the sugar skulls that I ended up repeating with three different sets of people( because they all wanted to learn how. Next time a workshop, and I get them all in one shot), and then there were the clay calaveras, ( just another experiment as I travel through ) I was able to make a little extra cash with these. I am always so pleased when people want to buy my wares! Anyway, Maritza and I are also collaborating and choreographing new dances for Keiki O Ka Aina. This last year we created a dance for Tahiti Tahiti (a Tahitian aparima). We used it in many shows. It is a real crowd pleaser. It's very up beat and fun. We are now working on Pua Olena as well as a kahiko (ancient hula) Kawika. So I guess the creative juices are flowing right along!